(this.webpackJsonpjmldev=this.webpackJsonpjmldev||[]).push([[0],{54:function(e,t,n){},55:function(e,t,n){"use strict";n.r(t);var a=n(0),i=n.n(a),o=n(20),s=n.n(o),r=n(8),c=n(9),l=n(11),d=n(10),h=n(16),j=n(6),b=n(64),m=n(56),p=n(57),u=n(2),g=function(e){Object(l.a)(n,e);var t=Object(d.a)(n);function n(){var e;return Object(r.a)(this,n),(e=t.call(this)).typeWriter=function(){var t=e.state.content,n="Howdy. My name is Jeremiah Long. Micah is my middle name and there's the letters in JMLdev.com. I've been creating websites for a long time. I started right after we ironed out the bugs for Y2K. Since then, I've managed to get pretty good at a few things. JavaScript and PHP are a couple, HTML and CSS of course, then a bunch of other cool stuff like React, Node.js, MERN stack... I could go on for a long time, but I think I'll just create a page for those skills. Anyways, nice to meet you. Feel free to look around and get to know me a little better.";e.state.content.length